Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Price Tag??

Hi, i just finished watchin fullmetalalchemist.... thinkin about it, their principle of equivilant exchange makes a lot of sense at least to me anyways. For example , nothing comes for free there is aways a price..to eat a packet of nasi emak u have 2 pay rm4 or5, to woo a girl u have to sacrifce time, money & others.Big or small there is always a price. It is one of the constants of the world, the only variables is who will pay this price and how big the price. Even with God Almighty there is a price .For example, he could not would not accept us bcoz of our sins&unholiness so bcoz we could not pay, he sent his only son to die &pay the ultimate price for us. As the saying goes, nothing ventured nothing gained . We should always be careful to check the all important price tag.